Aromaz's Biography

Aromaz, whose real name is Carlos Zamora, studied painting at the eminent Escuela de Artes de Lima, in Peru, from where he graduated in 1995. His background includes an extensive education in graphic design that has influenced his painting.

Aromaz was born in San Martin, Peru, from where he immigrated to the big city in search of a future. His vocation, as he likes to call it, was discovered at an early age when he started making sketches for the rest of his school. These sketches were so detailed and of such fine quality, that they have been kept by the school authorities.

Despite his young age, Aromaz is a very experienced artist. He has worked in several fields including textile design and advertising.

1999 Fifth Painting and Sculpturecontest of the Ministry of Health Lima, Peru
1998 "Mujer: Arte Forma Y Color"(Woman:Art, Shape and Color) Lima City Hall, Peru
1998 "Cuatro Siglos de Presencia Afro Peruana" (4 Centuries of Afro-Peruvian Presence)-Museo de la Nacion Lima, Peru
1997 XXV Watercolor Show, ICPNA Lima, Peru
1996 Young Artists Exhibition 96 Lima, Peru
1996 XXXII Anniversary of the University Hermilio Valdizan Huanuco, Peru
1996 Watercolor Show, ICPNA Lima, Peru