Diana Mendoza's Biography

Diana Mendoza was bom in Junin, Peru. Although she does not like to tell her age, she is probably in her forties.

Diana graduated in the sixties from the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes with one of the highest awards in the speciality of Painting and Drawing and, also, as Professor of Painting.

She has worked as a teacher and as designer before devoting her entire time to painting. She is, also, an accomplished musician and mother of several children.

Diana has participated in several exhibitions, including: Galeria Entre Nous, Lima(1983), Arte Popular de Peru, Salvador, Brazil(1984), Universidad de Bahia, Brazil(1986), Galeria Panorama, Bahia, Brazil(1986), Country Club Jacaranda, Bahia, Brazil(1988),ClubAneash,Lima,Peru(1988), Asociacion de Artistas Plasticos del Peru(1988), Galeria Picasso, Lima, Peru(1988), Casa de la Cultura, Manaos, Brazil(1992), Palacio de Cultura, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil(1992), Institute Peruano Norteamericano, Lima, Peru(1993), and, Galeria Chagall, Lima, Peru(1994)